Costume Design
Adapted by Brenna Geffers & Company
Based on Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Ego Po Theatre Company, The Lativian Society
Director Brenna Geffers
Scenic Aaron Cromie
Costume Natalia de la Torre
Lighting J. Dominic Chacon
““Costumes and makeup by Natalia de la Torre were noteworthy and fitting to the actors, some of whom played more than one role. Their wardrobe seemed to reflect a 1970s retro-fashion with bell bottomed pants and mini- and maxi-dresses. There was a certain kitsch about it, and touches of Russian and gypsy flair. The makeup and dress for Anna’s lover Vronsky was over the top and completely appropriate for the character.”
– Celeste Mann, DC Metro Theatre Arts
“…Natalia de la Torre's beautiful bohemian costumes, which place the characterssomewhere between 1870s Russia and 1960s San Francisco while vividly expressing every character's personality.” – Mark Cofta, Broad Street Review